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KIPON start to deliver both pro LPL-LPL &PL-PL cine 2x extender from Jun 4th, 2023

By |2024-01-31T21:37:57-08:00June 6th, 2023|News, Product Release|

KIPON start to deliver both LPL-LPL &PL-PL cine 2x extender from Jun 4 LPL 2x CINE Extender - KIPON PL

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KIPON launches pro cinestyle lock version Mamiya645-LPL 0.7x adapter before NAB

By |2023-06-30T20:41:02-07:00April 12th, 2023|Adapter, News, Product Release|

KIPON launches pro cinestyle lock version Mamiya645-LPL 0.7x adapter, using legacy Mamiya645 mount lenses on arri LPL mount LF cameras,

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