KIPON released latest V2.6 firmware for two auto-focus adapters as below,making the adapters perfectly for almost all Canon EF &EF-S lens,pls download from the link as below,

                         EF-MFT AF

                         BAVEYES  EF-MFT AF 0.7x

For windows:

For MAC:


V2.6 mainly improved the issues as below,

1. Support IS On/Off on Canon lens

2. Switching IS On/Off lens will pass to M43 body

3. Solve Black Magic Auto Focus not work issue

4. solve JVC+Canon 18-55mm focal change from 18mm to 55mm quickly, Aperture show on OSD is F3.6 (should be F5.6)

5. JVC Autofocus speed improvement

6. Solve EM1 Build-in IS not work

7. Pass Canon Lens model name to M43 Exif

8. Solve Canon EF 35mm(1998) f1.4L USM Auto Focus unstable