KIPON begin to sell macro L/M-NEX adapter with inner helicoid,compare to similar product in the market,we improved the rotating distance to 6mm,so can shorten closest focus distance more than other similar product in the market,and through our new design,the lens connect side have no shake situation when completly rotate the helicoid out to make a macro shooting using Leica M lens.
closest focus distance changes as below,
Leica 24mm f2.8 from 70cm to 14.5cm
Leica 28mm f2 from 70cm to 19cm
Leica 35mm f2 from 70cm to 22cm
Leica 50mm f1.0 from 100cm to 39.5cm
Leica 50mm f1.4 from 100cm to 36cm
Leica 75mm f1.4 from 100cm to 50cm
Leica 90mm f2.8 from 100cm to 68cm