KIPON Baveyes 0.7x optic reducers increased to 16 models on the market
First lot adapters start the sell in Japan,Korea,and Europe market,after Chinese Spring Festival,would be on sale in US and China.
Baveyes ALPA-FX 0.7x
Baveyes ALPA-NEX 0.7x
Baveyes EOS-NEX 0.7x
Baveyes EOS-FX 0.7x
Baveyes NIK-FX 0.7x
Baveyes NIK-NEX 0.7x
Baveyes M42-FX 0.7x
Baveyes M42-NEX 0.7x
Baveyes L/R-NEX 0.7x
Baveyes L/R-FX 0.7x
Baveyes C/Y-NEX 0.7x
Baveyes C/Y-FX 0.7x
Baveyes NG-NEX 0.7x
Baveyes NG-FX 0.7x
Baveyes OM-NEX 0.7x
Baveyes OM-FX 0.7x
LANS: NIKON 50mm、24mm